Rendering in architectureRendering in architecture
Rendering for interior designRendering for interior design
Real estate renderingReal estate rendering
Kitchen renderingKitchen rendering
Product renderingProduct rendering
Infographics for marketingInfographics for marketing


At ARQANUM we are leaders in the production of infographics and graphic design. The architect's work has become more complex in recent years, requiring us to specialize in multiple tasks. New technologies are changing the ways we work and display our architecture projects. ARQANUM's philosophy is to take advantage of these softwares to maximize the representation possibilities of your project. Our office assists in the virtual modeling of architecture projects, obtaining precise and detailed results. BIM modeling has changed the way we display and manage architectural project information, making it more accessible and faster to obtain. We specialize in architectural rendering, video production and image post-production. The application of virtual reality in architecture has led to a revolution in interactive digital infographics. Through 360-degree photos, the viewer can orient the viewing direction at the time to contemplate a space. With 360 degree virtual reality video we can obtain an immersive VR result. The layout of books, panels or catalogs is essential when communicating and promoting your projects or products through images. Our experience in graphic and editorial design also allows us to offer other editorial services such as layout of a magazine, a book or a catalog.


3D modeling is the process of building an architecture project in specialized software. Once built, we can visualize the model and obtain other types of information from them, such as the room plans of a house. This process can be started from a 3D modeling from photos, plants, elevations or any other type of documentation. 3D modeling and animation opens a new dimension when it comes to visualizing our projects since we can make an interactive 3D video or through a building. The appearance of BIM modeling has allowed us to change the way we manage and obtain data from a 3D model. Through a BIM model we can obtain valuable information about our building such as the geometry of the project, the spatial relationships or the quantities and properties of the materials, all in a simple and fast way.


Rendering is the process of generating a photorealistic image using a computer program. The purpose of the architectural rendering is to represent the architectural idea of the design through an image. Whether through an interior render or an exterior render, these infographics are the easiest way to make known the fundamental aspects of an architectural project such as spatiality, shapes, materials or lighting. The photorealistic rendering in architecture adds an additional element, since it allows to visualize non-built projects with the precision that a photograph of the constructed building could have.


Video is the technology of reproducing a sequence of images that represent moving images. Animation for video has allowed us to view videos of our building in a single file and a single video document. Online 3D animation allows you to view VR videos of a project previously uploaded to a website. 3D and 2D animation makes it possible for us to show different spaces of a project, either through videos for conventional systems such as computers or mobiles or through 360 VR video for devices such as helmets or virtual reality glasses. In this way, the video allows the viewer to show a project in a more complete and intuitive way than images.

Virtual reality

360 degree panoramic photography is a 3D image for augmented reality that allows the viewer to rotate the point of view until they can contemplate the entirety of a space. The walk or virtual tour through a building allows the viewer to move in an architectural project through a 3D video with virtual reality glasses. Virtual reality in 3D has brought about a revolution in the way we make our projects known to clients, since they allow the user to interact with the building. The interactive 360-degree videos allow us to create animated three-dimensional scenes in which our building is recreated, and most importantly, they allow the viewer to enter them and scroll to see different points of view of the building.


Postproduction is the manipulation of images or videos carried out by specialized software. Image post-production is an essential element in graphic image design, since it allows, from an artistic approach, the creation of more attractive and descriptive infographics of a building that a render cannot achieve. This technique allows us, for example, to increase the realism of the images, add more details or add lighting effects.


The way we present our projects to clients or juries has a great impact on their opinions. A professional representation speaks highly of the level and seriousness of a company. Our experience in the elaboration of images for architecture guarantees us that your idea or product is expressed with total clarity. We are experts in the layout of architecture projects. We make a wide range of images for architecture infographics, from accurate representations of house plans or other buildings to schemes, drawings, axonometries and 3D plans. We also perform other services such as layout a catalog, a dossier or panels for architectural competitions and exhibitions.

3D modeling
virtual reality

(+34) 679 418 369


Madrid (Spain)