Virtual reality and augmented reality

Virtual reality or VR is the technology that allows one or more viewers to enter an interactive virtual platform simulated by a computer and see, move and interact with it. There are different interface devices such as helmets or augmented virtual reality glasses that allow the user to see and scroll through these virtual reality images. Virtual and amented reality images differ from renders or videos in that in addition to being able to view these 360-degree HD images of virtual reality without glasses on the computer or mobile, they can be viewed with 3D virtual reality glasses or helmets. These devices allow the viewer to interact through images and sounds from interactive 360-degree video. Interface devices allow the viewer to act with the simulation in a way similar to what they would do in real life. It is this mode of virtual interactive communication between the spectator and the computer that gives the user the feeling of being immersive animation of virtual reality and 3D.

To view the 360-degree virtual reality images, viewers use a screen, be it a mobile phone, glasses or virtual reality headset that show a 360-degree render to each of their eyes. This software also has a position tracking system that controls the direction in which the user is looking or even where they are moving. The interactive virtual reality software allows you to adapt headphones so that the sound of the videos can be perceived in 360 degrees virtual reality. Information related to the viewer's position within the 3D virtual reality video also causes the sound to change from scene to scene. In addition, when the source that emits the sound is placed on one side of the viewer, the sound is received earlier in one ear than in the other so that a more realistic simulation is created. Among the variations that the sound can experience is the volume or tone in a way that simulates that its origin is within the virtual reality VR video. The most difficult sensations to simulate are in touch and pressure sensations, although currently there are already devices that allow generating these simulations, such as virtual reality gloves. With these gloves, the computer can calculate the position of the hand within the virtual world and generate the necessary stimuli to interact with immersive reality, such as by touching or holding a virtual object. It is also possible to record the movement and speech of the participants in the interactive 360 degree simulation.

The advancement of immersive virtual reality technology has made it possible to generate 3D virtual reality videos and sounds in real time, substantially improving the virtual experience. The 3D 360 videos for virtual reality glasses allow communication between the user and the 3D VR video software so that the viewer is also a participant in the simulation by being able to control where they look or where they are moving. The ultimate goal of this is for the viewer to be able to control the spaces or scenes they wish to visit, being able to intervene in them by modifying their objects or materials. Devices for viewing 360-degree videos have advanced dramatically in recent years as a result of new developments in this technology, making these devices more accurate, faster and more affordable, making it possible for them to become popular among citizens.

Among the most prominent applications of interactive graphic design is architecture, since it allows to have an experience of a building not yet built. It allows a closer approach between user and architecture than can be achieved with more traditional methods such as images or videos. More and more architects are using the 3D panoramic photo to plan and modify the design of their buildings since they allow an interactive virtual visit through a project. The reality VR videos of reality allow the viewer to receive various stimuli whether visual, auditory or tactile through a 3D 360 video that can be visited or even modified. In addition, they also allow multiple users to interact in real time.

Virtual reality can be classified into two types: immersive and non-immersive virtual reality, in relation to the virtual reality device used. Total immersive virtual reality is one in which the software can capture the position and orientation of the user and react to it, giving an experience in which the viewer is immersed in the virtual environment. The devices used in full immersive virtual reality are virtual reality helmets, goggles, gloves and suits. In this case, the communication between the software and the user is carried out directly through the user's own movement, such as in VR 360 videos for virtual reality glasses.

Non-immersive virtual reality, on the other hand, is the user who has to use the navigation menus of the device to interact with the fictional world. In this case, virtual reality devices can be the computer, mobile, tablet, ... An example of this is how a person can watch VR videos on PC or VR videos on mobile, where the user interacts with the software through keyboard, mouse, or touch screen. The advantage of watching 360 videos on a PC is that a virtual reality device is not required and therefore it is more affordable for most people. The biggest disadvantage of non-immersive virtual reality is that the user does not have the peripheral vision of the simulation as you may have in the videos for 360 degree VR glasses.

The documents that can be viewed within the field of virtual reality are varied. 360 degree panoramic images are stereoscopic images that allow the viewer to enter them and contemplate a space by turning the direction of the view. Within the section of 360 videos for virtual reality glasses, virtual tours or walks are videos in which the viewer views several spaces within the same document. The 3D videos for VR glasses in real time allow the user to scroll through the simulation getting in control of what they want to visit.


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